When you owe back taxes and can’t afford to make any payments, then it may be time for a special tax status known as currently not collectible. This means that your debt is still considered valid even though there's no chance at recovery right now. When you’re approved for currently not collectible status, the IRS can no longer garnish your wages or seize any property.
Now, don't forget about these debts because the IRS is still looking for payment.
What is Currently Not Collectible Status?
The IRS will place your account in currently not collectible status if you can’t pay both back taxes and reasonable living expenses. You may request this by submitting the proper form with documentation that proves how much income you have left over that is available to make a payment, along with any assets that have been sold recently to cover mounting debts - like homes!
To qualify for the currently not collectible status, you will need to put together a case that you will present to the IRS. Gather copies of your bills, proof of your income (pay stubs, bank statements, alimony, etc), and your investments. It is important to document your inability to pay so that if the IRS determines you cannot afford your necessary expenses, it can grant you status.