The revenue officer many times will initially be very nice, and make you feel very comfortable, but normally while this is happening they are working on levying you. The IRS has to do certain things before they can issue a levy. The revenue officer is normally making sure those things are done. The revenue officer does this because their primary job is to collect money. They are collectors. If they can’t collect it from you voluntarily, they will collect it from you involuntarily via a levy.
Normally, the levies are wage garnishments, bank levies, and for business owners, accounts receivable levies. These levies are brutal. The wage garnishments take a certain amount of your wages based upon your family size. For example, if you are a single person getting paid biweekly, the IRS will allow you to keep about $400 and they will take the rest. For a bank levy and an accounts receivable levy, all the money is taken. The amounts taken cannot exceed the total amount owed to the IRS, but normally the amount seized is less than what is owed.
Levies do not have to happen. IRS Tax Fighters prevents levies. Call IRS Tax Fighters today at