Neglecting to pay your taxes can lead to serious consequences, and one of the most severe repercussions is the federal government filing a legal claim against all your current and future property through a federal tax lien.
In this article, we'll break down what a federal tax lien is and provide guidance on what steps you should take if you receive a certified letter indicating that you have one.
Please note that it's always advisable to seek the assistance of a specialized Tax Resolution Professional who can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf. If you'd like to schedule a free and confidential tax relief consultation, please contact us through our contact page.
What is a Federal Tax Lien?
A federal tax lien is a document filed with a county government (usually where you reside or conduct business) to notify the general public that you have an outstanding federal tax debt.
How Does It Affect Your Assets?
A tax lien attaches to all your assets, including property, securities, and vehicles. It also extends to any assets you acquire in the future during the duration of the lien.
If you sell any property while a federal tax lien is in place, the IRS will be paid before you receive your share.